Cathy Derksen: Permission to Dream Big

In the fast paced world of technology, it can be hard to stop. Stop to think about the life you are creating. Are you dreaming big and expanding what is possible for you? We talk with Cathy Derksen about giving yourself that permission to expand your possibilities. She brings her passion for STEM, experience in her own career, and her financial advisor background to the table. She shares her own career journey to inspire you to find your joy in life and at work. We dig deep so join the conversation with a listen. We celebrate all Tech Divas and hope you are enjoying our community here to encourage and help more women find success in technology.

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Look for opportunities where you can use some of your gifts and talents.
Do what you love. -Cathy Derksen

Cathy is a wealth and success coach as well as a four-time Amazon #1 best-selling author and international speaker. Her career is dedicated to helping women tap into their own greatness. She believes that we owe it to ourselves and each other to create lives that fill us with genuine joy. Cathy’s mission is to create a cycle of wealth and success among women around the world. On this episode, she does that for the Tech Divas with her inspirational conversation.

With her unique combination of intuition and world-class training, Cathy has helped hundreds of women transform their lives. Her knack for distilling complex concepts into practical lessons paves the way for clients to shift deeply rooted beliefs about success and money, identify what’s holding them back—internally and externally—and connect with their true purpose. Cathy’s background in financial planning and counseling gives her a unique set of skills to share. Over the past decade she has applied her life skills to removing herself and her children from an abusive family situation and she has taken on the challenge of two complete career changes. She turned her challenges into opportunities and drops some ways you can evaluate your own life and give yourself permission to dream big.

We start the conversation learning about her STEM background and personal journey. Then, we touch on the power of mindset. We loved hearing about where she got the name for her business and when to trust your gut. Don’t forget that we discuss the important topic around community.

You can’t become yourself by yourself.

We leave the conversation sharing the importance and tips on building that network of people that help you along your own path in life professionally and personally. Most of all, we share a common theme for this project that a ‘rising tide raises all boats’. That is true with this project and a great reminder on this podcast. We celebrate you tech divas today and everyday!

On this episode, we explore:
❤️Power of Mindset
❤️Permission to Imagine
❤️Choosing Joy
❤️Finding Connection

Resource Links:
Cathys’ company, Inspired Tenacity, was born from her desire to make these life-changing tools and strategies accessible to women everywhere. Whether you’re facing major personal milestones, leveling up your finances or exploring a new career, these programs are designed to teach you how to navigate big shifts with confidence. We appreciate her support for tech divas.

Check out her website and grab a virtual coffee today:
Connect with Cathy Derksen on Linked in:

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