Corry Robertson: Buy Stock in Your Greatness

As you know, we aim to empower women in tech. This show brings diverse guests from all walks of life to share their wisdom for Tech Divas in technology careers. Corry Robertson is a leading global expert on organizational culture, engagement and retention in the tech industry, with over 20 years experience and a client list that includes Fortune 100 companies. We engage in a really great conversation about psychological safety and self awareness. Learn how to lead with empathy and how to assess yourself. Most of all, leave with confidence that you are enough and get ready to buy stock in your greatness after this wonderful podcast. New episodes released Tuesdays. Visit us online at for more links from this episode.

➡️Make sure to check out The Coaching Academy for Leaders to get your ICF Cert and level up with Corry. The next cohort of this one-of-a-kind training experience that will help you enhance your development and performance starts in September. Info here:

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“Every single walk of life fears that they may not be chosen for who they are. We all have limiting beliefs about who we are.
I would invite you to let that go. I invite you to step up and believe that you are enough.
Know that you are great. Buy stock in your greatness and lead with that.”
– Corry Robertson PCC

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Corry Robertson supports executives and emerging leaders through coaching, leadership training, and human performance improvement and management. Her clients say conversations with Corry are deeply meaningful yet highly strategic and productive, uncovering solutions for complex challenges. You can witness that yourself when you hear her on the podcast. 

Corry is also the founder of The Coaching Academy for Leaders, offering ICF accredited programs. The Academy’s unique proprietary method blends coaching competencies and leadership theory in a revolutionary way to help individuals and teams achieve high-level results. Corry is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with a background that includes several professional and leadership certifications in everything from reinvention to DISC and everything in between. 

In our conversation, we lead off with the critical topic of psychological safety. This means we take safety beyond physical safety and into emotional safety which breeds an amazing culture. This is supporting mental well being during a tough time in society with the pandemic. When that exists, people can practice resilience.

After that, we dive into self awareness and how important it is to reflect on ourselves, our personas, and ultimately to take responsibility for ourselves. In fact, Corry talks more about coaching and how ultimately it is based on empowerment and self empowerment. 

That is where the Lumina Splash App comes into to play to embrace the paradox of the personality. By looking at how we act in different situations or under pressure, we can actually reach our goals. 

The best piece of advice she gave is when she talked about the common challenge she sees in almost everyone she coaches. Learn more by tuning in and sticking around for the entire show to get the nuggets on truly realize you are enough and buy stock in your own greatness. Don’t miss this episode and listen today!

On this episode we learn how to:

👠 Create Psychological Safety 
👠 Assess Your Personas
👠 Develop Self Awareness
👠 Lead with Empathy
👠 Step into your greatness

Resource Links:

  • Learn more about The Coaching Academy and Corry:

  • Bet on your greatness with The Coaching Academy for Leaders!

    • Become an ICF Certified Coach and leverage the most powerful and effective approach to enhancing human development and performance. The Coaching Academy for Leaders focuses on helping successful people learn coaching as a leadership style so that they can achieve greater alignment, agility and innovation.

    • Enrollment is now open for September classes! To learn more please visit our website at

  • Connect with Corry on LinkedIn:

➡️ Download her Lumina Splash App + Video Guide (free resource):

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Nicole Scheffler

Tech Diva Success is a collection of empowering work to spark tech diva success.

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