Mike Ungar: Perfect your Personal Strategic Plan

Building a personal strategic plan is one way you can reach your full potential. Looking 3, 5, or even 10 years out, it can help to know what success looks like in many aspects of your life. We sit with business coach Mike Ungar to discuss purpose, vision, and mission. It's a great time to reflect on your own journey and mentally map your own strategic plan. Join us for a great conversation with an ally for tech divas.

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What am I going to do this week that's going to make a difference and help me achieve my vision. - Mike Ungar

Do you know what direction your career and life is heading? Many individuals struggle with setting strategic goals for themselves. As a result, they don't reach their full potential. We were joined by Mike Ungar, FocalPoint Business Coach and Executive Coach. He talked to us about the importance of establishing a Personal Strategic Plan and how important it is for you to achieve your ambitions in your career and in your life.

On this episode we discuss:
✔️ Identifying your values
✔️ Harnessing your strengths
✔️ Managing your weaknesses
✔️ Exploring your Purpose, Vision, and Mission

We start by simply asking the audience if they have a personal strategic plan. Of course, as Simon Sinek says, it is important to start with the why. For women in tech, this is extra important to guide career decisions while balancing other life areas like family, health, and legacy. It doesn’t have to be a complex process, it can simply be taking the time to define:

Purpose = Your WHY

Vision = WHAT

Mission = HOW

After you establish that, you can work into goals and activities to support this direction. Listen and learn from the experience of Mike from his military experience and coaching passion.

Connect with Mike Ungar Directly:
Check out his website for more information: https://michaelungar.focalpointcoaching.com/
Reach out to him via Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-ungar/

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