Neha Misra: Investing in your Future

Neha Misra comes from a tech background, but packs tons of heat in the area of financial literacy in this episode. She is the CEO of the Fit Lit Project, so she is constantly working to increase financial literacy in this community. With her baby steps to financial literacy and mindset method that will get you track, this is a must listen to get you in the hot seat of your finances. This episode does such a great job in kickstarting that money mindset.


 “You are never 100% financially literate so there is a constant need to keep learning.” - Neha Misra, The Fin Lit Project

In uncertain times, financial literacy becomes even more important and women statically lack in this area. For example:

  • What happens to jobs and cost of goods when stores close?

  • How does the economy shift when more people need to work from home? Does your job allow that?

  • What is available for unemployment and how long would your savings last you?

  • What would a downturn or uncertainty in the market do to your savings or retirement plan?

We cover:

  • Why Financial Attitude is important

  • Baby steps to taking control of your finances

  • The ABC's of Financial Literacy

  • Where to start to take control of your money

I will leave you with a great quote she shared with us that is powerful:

"The power and the point of understanding what economic and finance essentially is, is to stop being fooled by economics."

-Joan Robinson 

Resource Links:

Do check out our website and blogs : The Fin Lit Project on Linked in:

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