Donna Tashjian: Focus and Forgiveness

Small things can lead to massive success. Improving your life and yourself just 1% a day can add up to wild success. Listen to the advice of Donna Tashjian who is the founder of Vibrant Living, a non-profit, and is passionate about women reaching their full potential. We talk about where you focus your energy and how that can really take over your life, but also how you can control your self talk and move forward. Learn to embrace the new you and let’s start to “act as if” we are the amazing woman you are destined to become. Find success with these tips and don’t miss out.

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“There is no such thing as failure. Only feedback.” -Donna Tashjian

Donna is the founder of Vibrant Living International, a non-profit organization. She has spent over 20 years helping women and men reach their full potential. She also specializes in helping women rise above a painful past or situation and live life confidently on their terms. She produces a podcast called “You Were Designed for Greatness” and has written 3 books entitled, From Frazzled To Freedom, The key to transform your life and 5 Hidden obstacles stopping your success. Her wisdom around mindset and advice on life can help all tech divas get 1% better each day.

In this episode, we talk about success secrets from Donnas coaching experience that can help our tech divas help achieve greatness. Much of this advice can help working women during hard times or even a pandemic. She drops a great reminder to improve self talk and to make sure you embrace your change as growth, not failures. 

What are you focusing on?

How are you serving yourself?

The point that hit home most was when Donna talked about envisioning your future in 3 years and acting “as if” you are there. This is a good form of envisioning. Women who she has seen achieve the most greatness live in a state of gratitude, use positive self talk, and practice forgiveness.  Listen in for examples and discussion that will resonate with your best self

We cover:

  • Optimizing your infinite potential

  • Evaluating your focus

  • Moving your career forward and enjoying the moment

  • The power of “Acting as if” 

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2020: Resiliency and Creation


Estelle Roux-Stevens: 8 Lessons from a Start Up Diva