Nicole Scheffler: Own it by taking 100% responsibility

Are you a powerful, driven woman in technology -- making an impact in a male dominated field? Tune in to hear Nicole Scheffler, the Tech Diva herself, share a foundational success principle that helps women in all stages of their career own their success. Nicole is a certified success coach and recent author on this topic in the book Pillars of Success with Jack Canfield. She takes her training, 15+ year tech career, and personal experience to showcase the relationship between your behavior and the situational outcomes. Listen in to learn how you can take 100% responsibility for your career and own your success.

This concept is described by Jack Canfield great in the book Nicole was so grateful to have contributed. Grab a copy of the book where Nicole speaks to two main concepts. The first is the data behind why women in technology are good business. The second is a bit of what she spoke to in this episode and more with her 4 step success formula.

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If you realize you created it, you can uncreate it or recreate it. Consider what your life would look like if you OWNED your success. Start today and act as if you are taking 100% ownership of everything that happens to you. This will make you the captain of your ship and ultimately allow you to create your career and personal success!

I am going to give you the secret of life because the sum of your outcomes on a day to day basis create your life experience!

Events (E) + Responses (R) = Outcomes (O)

When you have an event in your life, how to respond creates an outcome. All you need to do is ask yourself: What am I doing to create that?

There are only 3 RESPONSES you have any control over:

▶ Your behavior (including what you say and how you say it) (This includes both what you do and what you don’t do)

▶ Your thoughts (self-talk) and beliefs (both conscious and unconscious)

▶ Your visual imagery (including your images of the past (memories) and the future)

Every outcome you experience in life is a result of how you’ve responded to an earlier event or events in your life. If you don’t like the outcomes you’re currently getting, there are two basic choices you can make:

  1. You can blame the event (E) for your lack of results (O).

  2. You can instead simply change your responses (R) to the events (E) – the way things are – until you get the outcomes (O) you want. You can change your thinking, change your communication, change the pictures you hold in your head and you can change your behavior. You can break out of your conditioned responses to circumstances, increase your awareness and change your actions. All this leads to a new (and hopefully the best) outcome.

Your point of Power is in the R - your Responses. You have everything you need for success within you.

  • Give up blaming

  • Give up complaining

  • Give up Justifying

  • Give up Defending

  • Give up excuses

Own your choices, you can always make new ones but remember you choose your attitude!

Watch a variation of this message on the Success Secrets Series on our YouTube Channel below and make sure to subscribe.

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Nicole Scheffler

Tech Diva Success is a collection of empowering work to spark tech diva success.

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