Michelle Cho: Three Capitals Worth Investing
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Michelle Cho: Three Capitals Worth Investing

Michelle Cho has walked in our shoes. She was a woman working in technology making great money, when she made a change to spend time with her young son. At that time, she dabbled in the financial market where she ran into some challenges. She used her experience to fire up her game in the financial service industry to learn all she could about investing. Her heart then called her to help women in STEM learn how to successfully invest. However, our episode goes beyond financial capital to discuss how to also build your human and social capital. Success is investing against all three and Michelle is an expert. Listen in to see what your accounts look like in all three areas, all worth investing.

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Election Day in America: Go Vote
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Election Day in America: Go Vote

It’s election day in America, so instead of our usual episode, we chose to publish a brief episode encouraging voters and providing some tips on how to successfully vote in the Presidential election this year. You will hear encouragement to engage in the process and more information to help you feel safe voting in the 2020 American election. We did try to remain bipartisan and respect the right given to each person to make their own decision in their vote. We also do encourage women to make their own informed decision to vote and consider running for local elections.

For more information, contact your local voting location and officials.

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 Juman Doleh-Alomary: Path of Most Resistance
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Juman Doleh-Alomary: Path of Most Resistance

Juman Doleh-Alomary is a security trailblazer and leader in technology. She has also learned some success tips along the way that show how you can benefit from the path of MOST resistance. Get her personal and professional lessons from her own career experience in security. She also has gained a lot that shines through from her vast volunteer experience on boards and with organizations. She has experience from two different cultures from the auto industry and education verticals.  We touch on the value of mentors and collaboration. Listen to get her biggest secret to success.

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Pattie Grimm: Be Strong, Stand Up and Stand Out - Proven Ways to be an Empowered Woman Leader
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Pattie Grimm: Be Strong, Stand Up and Stand Out - Proven Ways to be an Empowered Woman Leader

Pattie Grimm brings her own personal experience in a robust technology career and her mission to empower women in full force for this episode. For women in technology, learn how to kick glass and fulfill your full potential with these success secrets. We discuss how to both identity and play to your strengths with exercises that include journaling and visualizations. Take a step further to develop your 5 year vision and then understand how to really stand out by being valuable, visible, and vocal. Listen to get her best tip to achieve success in anything you choose and even some great pearls for enhancing your leadership in a virtual environment

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Alana Karen: Own Your Awesome
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Alana Karen: Own Your Awesome

Alana Karen shares her success secrets to help women in technology from her robust career at Google and leadership experience. Learn how you can own your awesome with some of her success secrets from her journey in technology and from her recent interview research for her book Adventures of Women in Tech: How We Got Here and Why We Stay. You will leave reflecting on how to strengthen your resilience muscle, the importance of marketing yourself for the amazing success you have already had, and how to find support in difficult moments so you stay in tech. The best part is Alana sharing how to own your awesome! Listen to this episode for a great sample of questions you can ask yourself to know when and what you might want to change in your career plan.

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Tamara Shoemaker: Security Matchmaker
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Tamara Shoemaker: Security Matchmaker

Tamara Shoemaker brings both her passion for cyber security and for living her best life to this episode. In her role as the Director for the Center for Cyber Security & Intelligence Studies at the University of Detroit Mercy and President of the Michigan Midwest Regional Chapter of CISSE (MCISSE), she is committed to helping address the need for cyber security professionals. She is a connector of private, public, and educational institutions to help accomplish her mission. She met her own goals of getting into a security career from an untraditional background, and now she has learned many success tips throughout her leadership and influence in this space. Listen as we talk about mentoring, setting goals, and most of all why we must take the scary out of cyber. One great resource we discuss is the Cyber Patriot program where Tamara is leading the way for Michigan! They are a great resource for K-12 kids, so their website is a great resource: www.micyberpatriot.com.

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Kanika Tolver: Rebuild Your Personal Brand
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Kanika Tolver: Rebuild Your Personal Brand

Are you an employee or are you a brand? How can you leverage your amazing accomplishments to create a brand? Join the ‘career rehab’ expert, author, speaker, and tech diva Kanika Tolver on this episode to learn how to create a successful brand. We discuss success secrets on how to grow your career in technology or how to transition into the field. It’s all about going above and beyond to put your knowledge and expertise out there in different formats. In the conversation, we start with basic advice on job searching, resumes, and LinkedIn. We continue the great conversation around building a network and creating a complimentary marketing strategy. Learn usable tips on how to level up and turn any anxiety into accomplishments.

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Gladys Kong: Always Learn and Grow
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Gladys Kong: Always Learn and Grow

There is so much we can learn from those that have walked before us. Gladys Kong has a career background of engineering, a heart for founding companies and has been the CEO of two companies in her career. She has lots to share about how to build an open culture for all types of diverse talent and how individuals can own their success. She really believes that you can do anything you put your mind to. She talks about how an open mind can help attract top talent and more tips on how to be intentional about diversity. Also, check out her company UberMedia over at UberMedia.com to see how they make mobile data actionable with thoughtfully-built technology and a deep foundation in data science.

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Deja Adams: Make no little plans
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Deja Adams: Make no little plans

It should be top of mind to be intentional about how to attract and retain diverse talent in the tech industry. Deja Adams brings her expertise in partnerships that she has seen first hand in her career. She shares her experience from her work at the Flatiron school with easy ways employers can improve their hiring practices to increase diversity. Clearly, partnerships with organizations, like Flatiron, which provide bootcamps, training programs, and tech focused trade programs is one way to create this change. In addition, there are some great tips packed in this episode around employers tapping into diverse candidate pools, improving job descriptions, and various hiring strategies that can improve traditional hiring systems. Leave understanding how to remove limits within your company and keep the needle moving in system improvement.

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Kristin Judge: No One Path
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Kristin Judge: No One Path

Millions of American consumers and small businesses are affected by cybercrime each year and struggle to find resources to respond, recover and report the incident. In 2019 alone, over 460,000 people reported a crime to the FBI with approximately $3.5 billion loss in just one year and the incidents of cybercrime continue to grow. Over a decade ago, Kristin Judge stepped up to help appointed officials understand how to impact both policy and budget to help fix this growing problem. Since then, she created the Cybercrime Network and learned many career lessons on the way. She learned how to successfully pivot from being a stay at home mom to a CEO of a Non-Profit to prove there is not just one path in a tech career. She grew her success as a leader for women in technology and security and shares her secrets on this podcast episode. Learn about owning the room, being a servant leader, and most of all an encouraging message around confidence. Make sure to visit the Cybercrime Network at Cybercrimesupport.org to learn more about their work.

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Michael Papanek: The Power of Resilient Relationships
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Michael Papanek: The Power of Resilient Relationships

Resilient relationships are the hallmark of sustained success in leadership. Relationships matter to build loyalty, respect, and pave the way for career advancement. The three fundamental dimensions of a resilient relationship are strength, flexibility, and fairness. After a successful technology career, Michael Papanek built an amazing coaching practice for organizations and individuals around leading through change. This podcast proves that he is a wealth of knowledge as he gives away success secrets to lead and build strong teams. He goes right into how teams can come together around different ideas instead of fall apart. Do not miss this episode and reach out to him on his website to keep the conversation going: MichaelPapanek.com.

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Prosperity Jhunjhunwala: From Head to Heart
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Prosperity Jhunjhunwala: From Head to Heart

Would you like to learn how to grow your career and life satisfaction? Understand some tools for you to make an InnerMost Shift from thinking with your head to your heart in this episode with Prosperity. She is an ICF (ACC) InnerMost Shift Coach and loves to work with high performing women. In this episode, Prosperity talks on tools and mindset shifts that will help you find success in your career and life. From building an essential support system inside and out of the workplace to really respecting yourself while defining your own success, this episode will pack in these tips. Reflect on positive self talk and how to turn stress into an opportunity as her lessons grow on you.

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Siri Chilazi: Best Practices to Best Evidence
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Siri Chilazi: Best Practices to Best Evidence

This episode is for every single person that is trying to influence or create a diverse, inclusive culture. Learn from an expert who will take us to the intersection of practice and research around gender equity. Join Siri Chilazi for an engaging conversation on the effectiveness of unconscious bias training, systemic change, microsponsorship, and goals, all of which are important aspects of understanding real change. Discover the power of examining the data and driving decisions in D&I like the rest of the business. Leave with some ways you can take action today to help drive gender diversity.

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Simran Yadav: Tips for Aspiring Data Scientists
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Simran Yadav: Tips for Aspiring Data Scientists

Are you considering or interested in Data Science? Then learn the steps to become one in this episode with Simran Yadav. She will use her experience as a Masters student in this space to give you practical tips on how to get into the field. Although these are targeted tips, they include universal lessons on lifelong learning and having an open mind.

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Neha Kumar: Building Team Culture
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Neha Kumar: Building Team Culture

Neha Kumar is passionate about growing with intention and scaling for impact. This drives her philosophy for building teams while building products. She takes her 10 years experience in the tech and startup space to share success tips on team building and culture. She will make you think about how your culture really shows up and focuses on how that can help drive company and professional success.

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Adela Mehic-Dzanic: Mentoring and Networking
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Adela Mehic-Dzanic: Mentoring and Networking

What can you learn from an adventurous journey into a career in Digitization? Join Adela Mehic-Dzanic, Head of Connectivity Service Providers for Mavoco, as she shares two common success secrets for thriving career for women in technology careers. She explores the value of Networking and Mentoring to help you travel to the nest horizon in your own career. Learn even more from her own leap of faith into the world of IoT and her experience in a male dominated field.

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Karlin Sloan: Inspiring Leadership for Uncertain Times
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Karlin Sloan: Inspiring Leadership for Uncertain Times

Are you looking for some lessons on how to be an inspirational leader? Do you want to talk about leading through challenging times? Learn from the wisdom of Karlin Sloan, CEO at Sloan Group International, with multiple books and even a new app on leadership. She talks about the power of positivity, defines triple bottom line measures, and speaks to making impact. Leave with a usable exercise that can help move people from a mindset of complaining to one of requesting actionable change. Make sure to grab Karlin’s new book ‘Inspiring Leadership for Uncertain Times” on Amazon: https://bit.ly/InspiringKarlin.

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Chitra Madhwacharyula: Power of Perspective
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Chitra Madhwacharyula: Power of Perspective

Imagine the perspective you gain from working across customers, borders, and cultures in a highly consultative leadership role. Chitra Madhwacharyula, a Customer Success and Consulting Leader with close to 20 years of global customer experience, shares the power of perspective on this episode with stories from her business travels. Learn from professional and personal experience on how to hit the ground running and ultimately how to embrace diversity on a whole new level.

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Janelle Lynnae: Building Confidence in the Workplace
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Janelle Lynnae: Building Confidence in the Workplace

Janelle Lynnae shares her success secret on how women in tech can break through barriers and take their confidence to the next level. She takes her passion for discovering limiting beliefs and shares several actionable steps our listeners can take today to start their journey. With a journaling exercise, tips on a morning ritual, and by sharing her own journey, she levels up your mindset so you leave the episode more confident than when you arrived.

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Neha Misra: Investing in your Future
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Neha Misra: Investing in your Future

Neha Misra comes from a tech background, but packs tons of heat in the area of financial literacy in this episode. She is the CEO of the Fit Lit Project, so she is constantly working to increase financial literacy in this community. In uncertain times, financial literacy becomes even more important and women statically lack in this area. With her baby steps to financial literacy and mindset method that will get you track, this is a must listen to get you in the hot seat of your finances.

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